It’s that time of year again!  The last heavy snowfall has melted, the aspen trees are budding, and the warm summer breeze is fast approaching.  This is the perfect time for spring cleaning and organizing your home as well as your storage unit.

 Storing winter gear, such as snowmobiles, space heaters, and snowboards/skis can help to organize your home and prepare for the summer.  You can save yourself time and space by swapping out your winter gear for bikes and boating equipment.  The exchange of seasonal wardrobe is beneficial in helping to prevent overcrowding of your dresser and closet.  When storing clothing in your storage unit, we recommend using plastic tubs or vacuum seal bags to help protect them from moisture or dust. 

When preparing to exchange seasonal items, it’s highly recommended that you clean your storage unit.  When cleaning your storage unit, don’t forget to air it out, sweep, organize, and take inventory of your belongings.  Next, rotate your items within your storage unit.  By rotating your items and moving your spring/summer belongings such as garden supplies or camping equipment to the front of your storage unit, you are ensuring a smooth exchange between seasonal items.  Don’t forget to rotate your holiday display items to the front as well.  Make sure to label your fall/winter items before placing them into the storage unit.    

It’s always an excellent idea to keep an inventory of everything that you are storing.  This will ensure that your insurance company will be able to compensate you if anything were to occur.  If you have any questions about what your insurance policy requires for coverage, it would be best to contact the insurance company directly.  If you use our Storsmart policy, one of our employees will gladly provide the number to call.